Our network team uses InfoBlox to store information about IP ranges (Location, Country, etc.) There is an API available but Infoblox's documentation and examples are not very practical.
I would like to search via the API for details about an IP. To start with - I would be happy to get anything back from the server. I modified the only example I found
import requests
import json
url = ""
object_type = "network"
search_string = {'network':''}
response = requests.get(url + object_type, verify=False,
data=json.dumps(search_string), auth=('adminname', 'adminpass'))
print "status code: ", response.status_code
print response.text
which returns an error 400
status code: 400
{ "Error": "AdmConProtoError: Invalid input: '{\"network\": \"\"}'",
"code": "Client.Ibap.Proto",
"text": "Invalid input: '{\"network\": \"\"}'"
I would appreciate any pointers from someone who managed to get this API to work with Python.
def ip2site(myip): # argument is an IP we want to know the localization of (in extensible_attributes)
baseurl = "https://the_infoblox_address/wapi/v1.0/"
# first we get the network this IP is in
r = requests.get(baseurl+"ipv4address?ip_address="+myip, auth=('youruser', 'yourpassword'), verify=False)
j = simplejson.loads(r.content)
# if the IP is not in any network an error message is dumped, including among others a key 'code'
if 'code' not in j:
mynetwork = j[0]['network']
# now we get the extended atributes for that network
r = requests.get(baseurl+"network?network="+mynetwork+"&_return_fields=extensible_attributes", auth=('youruser', 'youpassword'), verify=False)
j = simplejson.loads(r.content)
location = j[0]['extensible_attributes']['Location']
ipdict[myip] = location
return location
By using requests.get and json.dumps, aren't you sending a GET request while adding JSON to the query string? Essentially, doing a
GET{\"network\": \"\"}
I've been using the WebAPI with Perl, not Python, but if that is the way your code is trying to do things, it will probably not work very well. To send JSON to the server, do a POST and add a '_method' argument with 'GET' as the value:
Content: {
"_method": "GET",
"network": ""
Content-Type: application/json
Or, don't send JSON to the server and send
which I am guessing you will achieve by dropping the json.dumps from your code and handing search_string to requests.get directly.