I am trying to convert a list of dot-separated strings, e.g.
['one.two.three.four', 'one.six.seven.eight', 'five.nine.ten', 'twelve.zero']
into a tree (nested lists or dicts - anything that is easy to walk through). The real data happens to have 1 to 4 dot-separated parts of different length and has 2200 records in total. My actual goal is to fill in the set of 4 QComboBox'es with this data, in manner that the 1st QComboBox is filled with first set items ['one', 'five', 'twelve'] (no duplicates). Then depending on the chosen item, the 2nd QComboBox is filled with its related items: for 'one' it would be: ['two', 'six'], and so on, if there's another nested level.
So far I've got a working list -> nested dicts solution, but it's horribly slow, since I use regular dict(). And I seem to have a trouble to redesign it to a defaultdict in a way to easily work out filling the ComboBoxes properly.
My current code:
def list2tree(m):
tmp = {}
for i in range(len(m)):
if m.count('.') == 0:
return m
a = m.split('.', 1)
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
tmp[a[0]] = list2tree(a[1])
return tmp
main_dict = {}
i = 0
for m in methods:
main_dict = list2tree(m)
i += 1
if (i % 100) == 0: print i, len(methods)
print main_dict, i, len(methods)
ls = ['one.two.three.four', 'one.six.seven.eight', 'five.nine.ten', 'twelve.zero']
tree = {}
for item in ls:
t = tree
for part in item.split('.'):
t = t.setdefault(part, {})
"twelve": {
"zero": {}
"five": {
"nine": {
"ten": {}
"one": {
"six": {
"seven": {
"eight": {}
"two": {
"three": {
"four": {}