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Any way to get multiple CFIFs displaying inside CFSET?

At the moment I have this code which is working great -

<CFIF (DailyCount MOD 2) EQ 0>
<CFSET via = '<td style="background-color: DBEFB6;">#src#<br><font   color="blue">#get_info.csuseragent#</font></td>'>
<CFSET via = '<td>#src#<br><font color="blue">#get_info.csuseragent#</font></td>'>

In the #get_info.csuseragent# field, at the moment it is displaying the whole UA string eg - Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:23.0) Gecko/20130406 Firefox/23.0

I want to put the code below where the #get_info.csuseragent# tag is so it just displays the broswer/device. This works normally out of this setup but I cannot work out how to get it to display in that cell. Can anyone shed any light on how to get these CFIF statements to appear within this CFSET?

<CFIF '#get_info.csuseragent#' contains "blackberry">Blackberry</CFIF> 
<CFIF '#get_info.csuseragent#' contains "iphone">iPhone</CFIF>
<CFIF '#get_info.csuseragent#' contains "ipad">iPad</CFIF> 
<CFIF '#get_info.csuseragent#' contains "android">Android</CFIF>  
<CFIF '#get_info.csuseragent#' contains "msie">IE</CFIF>
<CFIF '#get_info.csuseragent#' contains "firefox">Firefox</CFIF>
<CFIF '#get_info.csuseragent#' contains "chrome">Chrome</CFIF>
<CFIF '#get_info.csuseragent#' contains "opera">Opera</CFIF>
<CFIF '#get_info.csuseragent#' contains "Safari/534.53.10">Safari</CFIF>
<CFIF '#get_info.csuseragent#' contains "Safari/534.57.2">Safari</CFIF>
<CFIF '#get_info.csuseragent#' contains "Safari/533.21.1">Safari</CFIF>
<CFIF '#get_info.csuseragent#' contains "Safari/533.19.4">Safari</CFIF>
<CFIF '#get_info.csuseragent#' contains "Safari/533.18.5">Safari</CFIF>
<CFIF '#get_info.csuseragent#' contains "Safari/534.50">Safari</CFIF>


  • You can't embed tags within each other, so this is invalid syntax:

    <cfset myVar = <cfif something>"fred"<cfelse>"barney"</cfif>>

    What will work in your situation is to first set a variable:

    <cfif get_info.csuseragent contains "blackberry">
        <cfset agent = "Blackberry">
    <cfelseif get_info.csuseragent contains "iphone">
        <cfset agent = "iPhone">
        <cfset agent = "Unknown">

    and then use it:

    <cfset via = '<td style="background-color: DBEFB6;">#src#
    <br><font color="blue">#agent#</font></td>'>