I am trying to create a Customer in GP Web Services and I came across the BalanceType property on the Customer class and I do not know how to set its value. I was expecting it to be an integer of a value 0 or 1, however I receive a "cannot implicitly convert type 'int' to [...].BalanceType".
Here is the definition for it. I believe the problem is my lack of experience with C# and .NET in general and with enumeration types specifically.
public enum BalanceType : int {
[System.Runtime.Serialization.EnumMemberAttribute(Value="Open Item")]
OpenItem = 0,
[System.Runtime.Serialization.EnumMemberAttribute(Value="Balance Forward")]
BalanceForward = 1,
In my code I have a class with a property
public int balanceType
Later in a method I have the following where _customer is my parameter object passed in and customerObj is the web services class object.
customerObj.BalanceType = _customer.balanceType;
Your time and brainpower is greatly appreciated.
An enumeration type provides a convenient way to define named constants with a value. In this case, OpenItem = 0 and BalanceForward = 1.
You set an Enum like this:
customerObj.BalanceType = BalanceType.OpenItem;
I would change the property in your code to also be of BalanceType like so:
public BalanceType balanceType;
That way you avoid any need for casting between integer and your enumeration type. You will be able to set it easily:
customerObj.BalanceType = balanceType;
In case you do need to cast to the enumeration type from an integer, see this related question.