I'm trying to fetch data from the database with an innerjoin and criteria. I want to have al the result of the users and the videos.
For now i'm using the createCommand:
public function getRelatedByUser($users_id){
$videos = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()
->join('users', 'videos.users_id = users.id')
->where('videos.users_id = :userId AND Active=:active'
, array(':userId' => $users_id, ':active' => TRUE))
->order('Date desc')
return $videos;
But i want to use the command with the yii model like:
public function getRelatedByUser($users_id){
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->select = '*';
$criteria->alias = 'videos';
$criteria->join = 'INNER JOIN users ON videos.users_id = users.id';
$criteria->condition = 'users.id = :userID AND Active=:active';
$criteria->params = array (
':userID' => $users_id,
':active' => TRUE,
return Videos::model()->findAll($criteria);
But the problem is, when i use the code above, i get only the values of Videos, because i use the Videos::model()...
Now i was wondering of there's away to use multiple models, something like:
return VideosAndUsers::model()->findAll($criteria);
return All::model()->findAll($criteria);
In your Videos
model create/edit the method
public function relations() {
return array(
'user' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Users', 'users_id')
(btw the correct way to name the column would be user_id
and not users_id
Then you can get your videos by
array('users_id'=>$users_id, 'active'=>true),
array('order'=>'`date` DESC')
This is pretty big bunch of code. We can do it even better. Just create/edit your model method
public function scopes() {
return array(
'order'=>'`date` DESC'
public function by_user_id($user_id) {
return $this;
public function active_only() {
return $this;
Now we can do magic
$videos = Videos::model()->with('user')
Then you can do something like
foreach ($videos as $video)
echo $video->title . ' by ' . $video->user->name;
As you can see, we access user profile for each video simply by calling relation name. There you have full model of user associated to video.