there are a lot of questions about Recursive SELECT query in Mysql, but most of answers is that "There NO solution for Recursive SELECT query in Mysql".
Actually there is a certain solution & I want to know it clearly, so this question is the following of the previous question that can be found at (how-to-do-the-recursive-select-query-in-mysql)
Suppose you have this table:
col1 - col2 - col3
1 - a - 5
5 - d - 3
3 - k - 7
6 - o - 2
2 - 0 - 8
& you want to find all the links that connect to value "1" in col1, i.e. you want to print out:
1 - a - 5
5 - d - 3
3 - k - 7
Then you can use this simple query:
select col1, col2, @pv:=col3 as 'col3' from table1
(select @pv:=1)tmp
where col1=@pv
Ok, good, however, if your table has 2 records containing "1" in col1 & 2 records containing "3" in col1, ex:
col1 - col2 - col3
1 - a - 5
1 - m - 9
5 - d - 3
3 - k - 7
6 - o - 2
3 - v - 10
2 - 0 - 8
Then, when users search for "1" in col1, it should show all the links connecting to 2 "1", i.e. it should show this expecting result:
col1 - col2 - col3
1 - a - 5
1 - m - 9
5 - d - 3
3 - k - 7
3 - v - 10
So, my question is how do we modify the above query so that it will show all the links as in the above expecting result?
EDIT: @ Gordon,
but if we omit select distinct col1, col2 from
then this query means something, can you work on this (since the childID got increased, so we can order the table1 ):
select col1, col2,
@pv:=(case when find_in_set(col3, @pv) then @pv else concat(@pv, ',', col3)
end) as 'col3'
from (select * from table1 order by col1) tb1 join
(select @pv:='1') tmp
on find_in_set(col1, @pv) > 0
In this case, we don't worry about the order, for example, if this is the data:
col1 - col2 - col3
4 - a - 5
1 - d - 2
1 - k - 4
2 - o - 3
6 - k - 8
8 - o - 9
the output will be:
col1 - col2 - col3
1 - d - 1,2
1 - k - 1,2,4
2 - o - 1,2,4,3
So we get this result 1,2,4,3
right? & we just select all records if the col1 is in 1,2,4,3
. Then we can get the final expected result.
If that is the case, can you think of any special case that rules out the solution I just mentioned?
I keep wondering if something like this would work:
select distinct col1, col2
from (select col1, col2,
@pv:=(case when find_in_set(col3, @pv) then @pv else concat(@pv, ',', col3)
end) as 'col3'
from table1 join
(select @pv:='1') tmp
on find_in_set(col1, @pv) > 0
) t
Something like this should work for small data sets. However, the idea of putting all the ids in a string is limited to the capacity of a string.