I'm trying to get columns of a table while getting sum of another related table (I'm using a MySQL database). Tables are Advantages and Conversions, Advantages has a conversionID
column to join. They are all related via models. I first tried to achieve this with Eloquent method, but I could not succeed, so I came up with this Fluent method, which is working fine:
DB::raw('SUM(advantages.point) as totaladvantage')
I guess the query describes how the columns are and what I want to achieve.
So my question is: Is there a more efficient way to achieve this? Using DB::raw
for this seemed weird to me, and sum()
method only returns sum of the columns. This is the almost only place where I wrote both fluent and raw query in my project, so that made me think if I'm missing something.
Thanks in advance
You can call aggregate methods through fluent
'advantages.point as totaladvantage')
Havent tested this, so let me know how you get on