I have a custom UISider control, i send requestThumbnailImagesAtTimes to MPMoviePlayerController when i slider the control.
- (void)sliderPopoverView:(UISlider*)slider
self.currentSliderValue = slider.value;
[self.moviePlayer requestThumbnailImagesAtTimes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:self.currentSliderValue]]
- (void)requestFinishThumbnail:(NSNotification*)notification
UIImage *thumbnailImage = [notification.userInfo objectForKey:MPMoviePlayerThumbnailImageKey];
if (thumbnailImage) {
_bottomView.sliderPopover.popover.thumbnailView.image = thumbnailImage;
then I can receive lots of image for show. but main Thread blocked. it's hard to slider the custom control. cost lots of time.
The reason may be that the method
- (void)sliderPopoverView:(UISlider*)slider
is called every time the slider is moved a little bit. This will cause your MPMoviePlayerController to constantly generate thumbnails. You should probably try to reduce the number of times you call the method that generates thumbnails.