I am using "http://flash-mp3-player.net/players/maxi/" flash player in my html page. And there also have source code("https://github.com/neolao/mp3-player").
It works for me good.
But, i want to add hint (like OnMouseMove) to Play, Pause and Stop buttons.
Does anyone have any idea?
You can create a hint for each button (I assume a text field with text). Make it invisible at start. In each button add code like:
on (rollOver) {
//show my hint;
on (rollOut) {
//hide my hint
Another way would be to make a movieclip called hint_mc. Create 4 keyframes, Put stop() action in all of them. Leave the first frame blank. Create your hints on frame 2,3,4, one each. Then add code to your button like:
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {