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ShowMessage in Delphi XE3 DllMain

DLL below is compiled with XE3.

library MyDLL;

uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Vcl.Dialogs;

{$R *.res}

  II: Integer;

function Test: Integer;
  Result := II;

exports Test;

  II := 5;
  ShowMessage('DLL prolog');

When I call the function Test() from Delphi XE3 or Delphi 2007 program I get the correct result (5) in both cases. But the message "DLL prolog" is displayed only with Delphi 2007 program, not with Delphi XE3 program. Why?


And when I "run" dll from XE3 IDE with Delphi 2007 host ShowMessage() also does not work.


  • The key is in this function:

    function MessageDlgPosHelp(const Msg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType;
      Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; HelpCtx: Longint; X, Y: Integer;
      const HelpFileName: string): Integer;
      if TOSVersion.Check(6) and UseLatestCommonDialogs and
         StyleServices.Enabled and StyleServices.IsSystemStyle then
        Result := DoTaskMessageDlgPosHelp('', Msg, DlgType, Buttons,
          HelpCtx, X, Y, HelpFileName)
        Result := DoMessageDlgPosHelp(CreateMessageDialog(Msg, DlgType, Buttons),
          HelpCtx, X, Y, HelpFileName);

    In some cases, depending on whether or not the host application has a comctl32 v6 manifest, different branches of the if statement are chosen.

    If the DoTaskMessageDlgPosHelp branch is chosen, then the ensuing call to TaskDialogIndirect fails with HRESULT code $80070057. This is a Win32 error code, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.

    If the DoMessageDlgPosHelp branch is chosen, then the dialog shows.

    I'm not sure why TaskDialogIndirect is failing when called from a library initialization block, but I'm not entirely surprised. You are severely restricted in what can be done from DllMain and you should not be attempting to show dialogs from there.