I'm trying to use Bootstrap's popover effect in my Rails 3.2 app (the bootstrap-sass gem). I've included all of Bootstrap's scripts in application.js, along with the popover code applied to the element I want:
//= require bootstrap
In my view I have this test code:
<a id="elem" href="#" class="btn btn-danger" rel="popover" data-trigger='hover' data-title="Example Popover" data-content="Readymade">hover for popover</a>
When I view this page in the browser, I see no errors in Firebug, and all the tooltip/popover scripts are included. Why isn't the popover taking place on this element?
I've stumbled upon the same issue and spent quite some time tackling it. That what has worked for me:
//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require bootstrap
//= require_tree .
$ ->
=link_to "hover for popover", "#", id: :elem, rel: :popover, data:{title: "Example Popover", content: "Readymade", trigger: "hover"}
I would suspect that in your case the sufficient change will be
$(document).ready(function() {