Using the analyzer on some Objective-C | Cocoa / Core Foundation code, I got a few error that I can't fix because I don't understand them.
Error #1: In an Objective-C class header, I declare this property.
@property(readwrite) CFMutableSetRef gClients;
In the body, I get the following error:
Question: Why is that a leak ? I store it in a property and dispose of it later. I thought ARC knew how to deal with CF "objects".
Error #2: Later on, I have this error when releasing the object:
Question: How can I take those two Analyzer warnings into account in order to create a code that actually works (self.gClients lives between calls to ClientInitialize and destroyAllClients) but does not get flagged?
ARC doesn't manage CF objects without manual intervention. There is work you need to do first.
See at "ARC and toll-free bridging". There are special casting tricks with (__bridge_transfer)