I'm using ghdl for my studies since couple of months.
now I was forced to use windows and tried to use ghdl and gtkwave there also.
My problem is: After i've installed ghdl i tried to compile some code. with:
ghdl -a aa.vhdl
ghdl -a bb.vhdl
ghdl -e test
same i used in linux.
but it does not produce ant output except of the work-obj93.cf
if i list with
ghdl -d
everything seems to be fine. All executes without any error message, but i do not get a binary or anything.
See the ghdl user guide 3.1.2 Elaboration command
On GNU/Linux the elaboration command creates an executable containing the code of the VHDL sources, the elaboration code and simulation code to execute a design hierarchy. On Windows this command elaborates the design but does not generate anything.
The actual elaboration is performed at runtime.
On Windows this command can be skipped because it is also done by the run command.
Also see 1.3 What is GHDL?:
The Windows(TM) version of GHDL is not based on GCC but on an internal code generator.
The internal code generator version known as mcode generates executable code as a memory array and does not generate object files. There is no optimization and no linking to foreign object code possible.