When I push to moovcloud, I get this error:
| Compiling Sass assets...
| gosass error: ~/assets/stylesheets/pages/accounts/address_book.scss:6: error: mixin border-radius is undefined
| Backtrace:
| e: ~/assets/stylesheets/pages/accounts/address_book.scss:6
| gosass error: ~/assets/stylesheets/pages/accounts/login_details.scss:6: error: mixin border-radius is undefined
| Backtrace:
| e: ~/assets/stylesheets/pages/accounts/login_details.scss:6
| gosass error: ~/assets/stylesheets/pages/accounts/login_page.scss:3: error: mixin display-label is undefined
| Backtrace:
| e: ~/assets/stylesheets/pages/accounts/login_page.scss:3
| gosass error: ~/assets/stylesheets/pages/accounts/payment_info.scss:7: error: mixin display-label is undefined
| Backtrace:
| e: ~/assets/stylesheets/pages/accounts/payment_info.scss:7
| gosass error: ~/assets/stylesheets/pages/customer/locate_store.scss:5: error: reference to unbound variable $gray4
| Backtrace:
| e: ~/assets/stylesheets/pages/customer/locate_store.scss:5
| gosass error: ~/assets/stylesheets/pages/subpages.scss:9: error: mixin account-link-button is undefined
| Backtrace:
| e: ~/assets/stylesheets/pages/subpages.scss:9
Any idea what could cause this or why? My git working directory is clean, so all files are up. My mlocal works, with no errors. I'm a little bit confused. Any help would be much appreciated.
The problem is simply that the files listed did not start with an "_". If you have this error, ensure that all imported files start with an "_".