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What does "Syscall()" means in go package "syscall"?

During the research of my another question Go package syscall conn.Read() is non-blocking and cause high CPU usage, I read source code in syscall package.

Since I found my last issue on OS X 10.8.3, here is the source code related:

I have no idea what Syscall(SYS_READ, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p))) means, actually I don't understand stuffs like unsafe.Pointer & Syscall(). How they works?

Besides, can anyone explain the comment // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT, how and why these things work with specific platform by different implementations? And how syscall package generate these interfaces?

If someone can explain a specific function like Read() related with syscall could be help me understand it better, thanks.


  • The Go Darwin syscall package func Read(fd int, p \[\]byte) (n int, err error) function is making a read (SYS_READ) system call:

    read Mac OS X Developer Tools Manual Page

    ssize_t read(int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbyte);

    Read() attempts to read nbyte bytes of data from the object referenced by the descriptor fildes into the buffer pointed to by buf.

    The Go Darwin syscall package Syscall function is:

    // func Syscall(trap int64, a1, a2, a3 int64) (r1, r2, err int64);
    // Trap # in AX, args in DI SI DX, return in AX DX
    TEXT    ·Syscall(SB),7,$0
        CALL    runtime·entersyscall(SB)
        MOVQ    16(SP), DI
        MOVQ    24(SP), SI
        MOVQ    32(SP), DX
        MOVQ    $0, R10
        MOVQ    $0, R8
        MOVQ    $0, R9
        MOVQ    8(SP), AX   // syscall entry
        ADDQ    $0x2000000, AX
        JCC ok
        MOVQ    $-1, 40(SP) // r1
        MOVQ    $0, 48(SP)  // r2
        MOVQ    AX, 56(SP)  // errno
        CALL    runtime·exitsyscall(SB)
        MOVQ    AX, 40(SP)  // r1
        MOVQ    DX, 48(SP)  // r2
        MOVQ    $0, 56(SP)  // errno
        CALL    runtime·exitsyscall(SB)