I'm attempting to fork a non-web service in my Yesod application, and it needs to do some interaction with database. From this post I decided to put the service in makeApplication. I would like my service to return some value when certain things happen and store it into database. Thus, I'm wondering whats the best way to do this?
How do I run runDB $ insert $ Stuff (T.pack "stuff")
inside the makeApplication function?
EDIT: As suggested by Michael I made the following helper function inside Application.hs
runDBIO conf foundation f = do
dbconf <- withYamlEnvironment "config/postgresql.yml" (appEnv conf)
Database.Persist.loadConfig >>=
p <- Database.Persist.createPoolConfig (dbconf :: Settings.PersistConf)
logger <- mkLogger True stdout
(Database.Persist.runPool dbconf f p)
(messageLoggerSource foundation logger)
And in the makeApplication I used it like so:
runDBIO conf foundation $ do
dbid <- insert $ Stuff (T.pack "some random stuff")
string <- get dbid
liftIO $ print string
However, I'm getting this compile error:
No instance for (resourcet-0.4.5:Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.MonadResource IO)
arising from a use of 'insert'
Am I inputting the wrong type for runPool? Or I need to make an instance for insert
I don't see why runMigration migrateAll
works but insert
does not.
You can see a demonstration of how to run a database action in the IO
monad in the scaffolding itself. Essentially you need to provide two pieces of information: how to log queries, and the database connection pool. You could factor that code out into a helper function (e.g., runDBIO
), and then run runDBIO $ insert $ Stuff $ T.pack "stuff"