So I have got a whole string (about 10k chars) and then searching for a word(or many words) in that string. With regex(word).Matches(scrappedstring)
But how to do so to extract the whole sentence, that contains that word. I was thinking of taking a substring after the searched word until the first dot/exclamation mark/question mark/etc. But how to take the part of the sentence before the searched word ?
Or maybe there's a better logic ?
If your boundaries are e.g. .
, !
, ?
and ;
, match all sentences across [^.!?;]*(wordmatch)[^.!?;]*
It will give all sentences with desired wordmatch inside.
var s = "First sentence. Second with wordmatch ? Third one; The last wordmatch, EOM!";
var r = new Regex("[^.!?;]*(wordmatch)[^.!?;]*");
var m = r.Matches(s);
var result = Enumerable.Range(0, m.Count).Select(index => m[index].Value).ToList();