I'm learning ADF and have a question. I have an ADF TreeTable that I want to temporarly populate with static data. I'm using a bean for this, but the TreeTable is not being populated. Can someone check the code I have and tell me if I'm doing something wrong?
My treeTable
<af:treeTable rowBandingInterval="0" id="tt1" width="100%" value="#{viewScope.MyBean.treeData}">
<f:facet name="nodeStamp">
<af:column sortable="false" headerText="" id="c4">
<af:outputText value="#{row.col1}" id="ot2"/>
<af:column sortable="false" headerText="Score" align="center" id="c5">
<af:outputText value="#{row.col2}" id="ot6"/>
<af:column sortable="false" headerText="Verified by " align="center" id="c3">
<af:outputText value="#{row.col3}" id="ot1"/>
<af:column sortable="false" headerText="On" align="center" id="c1">
<af:outputText value="#{row.col4}" id="ot5"/>
public List row() {
List<rowModel> ls = new ArrayList<rowModel>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
rowModel tr = new rowModel("+","92%","Person X","14 Feb 2013");
return ls;
public class rowModel {
String col1, col2, col3, col4;
public rowModel(String col1, String col2, String col3, String col4) {
this.col1 = col1;
this.col2 = col2;
this.col3 = col3;
this.col4 = col4;
public String getCol1() {
return col1;
public String getCol2() {
return col2;
public String getCol3() {
return col3;
public String getCol4() {
return col4;
Managed Bean
<managed-bean id="__7">
<managed-bean-name id="__5">MyBean</managed-bean-name>
<managed-bean-class id="__8">com.im.popup.view.rowMaker</managed-bean-class>
<managed-bean-scope id="__6">view</managed-bean-scope>
The TreeTable would expect data of this form:
In your above example RowModel class doesn't have any children associated with it. I will take a very generic Employee example and show you how you can work with TreeTable:
class Employee{
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private List<Employee> directs;
Employee(String fName, String lName){
firstName = fName;
lastName = lName;
directs = new ArrayList<Employee>();
//Getters and setters for above
public void addDirect(Employee emp){
Lets look at creating the data for the TreeTable:
class TreeTablePageModel{
List<Employee> managers = new ArrayList<Employee>();
ChildPropertyTreeModel treeModel;
public TreeTablePageModel(){
Employee mgr1 = new Employee("First","Manager");
Employee mgr2 = new Employee("Second","Manager");
Employee mgr3 = new Employee("Third","Manager");
Employee emp = new Employee("First","Sub_1");
emp = new Employee("First","Sub_2");
emp = new Employee("Second","Sub_1");
emp = new Employee("Second","Sub_2");
emp = new Employee("Third","Sub_1");
emp = new Employee("Third","Sub_2");
treeModel = new ChildPropertyTreeModel(managers,"directs");
public ChildPropertyTreeModel getTreeModel(){
return treeModel;
In the code above I am wrapping the List of my Employee objects into a ChildPropertyTreeModel and also passing it the name of the attribute using which the ADF component can obtain the values of its children. And in the JSP I would access the data as:
<af:treeTable rowBandingInterval="0" id="tt1" width="100%" value="#{viewScope.pageData.treeModel}">
<!-- add columns here -->
And my managed bean declaration would be:
<managed-bean id="__7">
<managed-bean-name id="__5">pageData</managed-bean-name>
<managed-bean-class id="__8">com.im.popup.view.TreeTablePageModel</managed-bean-class>
<managed-bean-scope id="__6">view</managed-bean-scope>