I'm using Play Framework (Scala) and SecureSocial to authenticate users.
I'd like my site to allow non-logged-in users to browse and populate certain user data (e.g. email address) during their session.
I have a custom UserService implementation that persists logged in users to the DB (and my own User
model object that implements the securesocial.core.Identity Trait)
I have an UnregisteredUser
subclass which I'd like to persist in the session while the user isn't logged in.
What's the best practise for this, please?
I imagine your particular goal is to efficiently gather the whole data relative to an unregistered user in each of your interested controller's action.
Problem: We want to retrieve a build UnregisteredUser
directly gathering all these data in session.
First, persist the UnregisteredUser
data whenever you want in the session using the basic Play 2's api Sessions:
Ok("Welcome Guest User!").withSession(
"email" -> "unregisteredUserEmail" // assuming a randomly chosen Id since not logged yet
// many other data here
Then, you may simply write a trait
extending your actual SecureSocial
trait containing:
case class GuestRequest[A](optUnregisteredUser: Option[UnregisteredUser], request: Request[A]) extends WrappedRequest(request)
def GuestAction(f: GuestRequest[AnyContent] => Result): Action[AnyContent] = {
implicit request => {
val optUnregisteredUserEmail = session.get("currentUnregisteredUser")
val unregisteredUser = UnregisteredUser(optUnregisteredUserEmail)
f(GuestRequest(optUnregisteredUser, request))
In each of your concerned controller, you would simply do:
def addToCard = GuestAction {
implicit request =>
val currentUnregisteredUser: UnregisteredUser = optUnregisteredUser.getOrElse(.....)
//remaining instructions here
Indeed, you could use UserAwareAction
from existing SecureSocial
trait for both User styles.
Thus, you have to override UserAwareAction
in your trait extending SecureSocial, in order to combine features:
override def UserAwareAction[A](p: BodyParser[A])(f: RequestWithUser[A] => Result) = Action(p) {
implicit request => {
val user = for (
authenticator <- authenticatorFromRequest;
user <- userServices.findByUserName(authenticator.userName)
) yield {
if(user.isEmpty){ //meaning user is not logged
f(RequestWithUser(tryToBuildUnRegisteredUser, request)) //setting your unregisteredUser
f(RequestWithUser(user, request))
private def tryToBuildUnregisteredUser = {
val optUnregisteredUserEmail = session.get("currentUnregisteredUser")
optUnregisteredUserEmail match {
case Some(e) => Some(UnregisteredUser(e))
case _ => None
Of course, you are free to refactor it :)