For a calendar app, I want to have the familiar look of the month name centered with a left arrow at the left margin to go back a month and the right arrow at the right margin to go forward a month. Something like < May >
s insert line breaks at the end so I thought I would use span except span is an inline element so that the text-align: center
property only aligns it within the length of the month. Just using text-align: center
produces something like <May >
To compensate for this, I have added display: block
in the span, however, this creates a line break at the end ie
< May
Can anyone suggest a proper way to do this?
Last version:
span.previous {
} {
span.month {
<span class="previous"><img src="leftarrow.gif"></span>
<span class = "month">May</span>
<span class="next"><img src="rightarrow.gif"></span>
You need to apply the text-align to the container element, and remove display:block
(text-align works with inline/inline-block elements). And don't forget to clear the floats after the container.