I have a C# application and need to extract multiple elements from a Linq to XML collection.
I have the following extract from an XML file
I need to extract the values from within each 'uniqueSystem' element. So in the example above, under the 'SNS' element there are 2 'uniqueSystem' elements, and within each of these there are 'uniqueSubsystem' elements and 'uniqueUnit' elements each with 'label' elements. I need to extract this data to build a TreeView.
My problem is extracting multiple elements using Linq. How do i do this?
At the moment i have
var item = from items in doc.Descendants("SNS").Descendants("uniqueSystem").Descendants("system")
orderby items.Value
select items.Descendants("uniqueSystem");
I think this will give me a collection of the 'uniqueSystem' elements, from which i now need to extract the values of the multiple elements within. Can anybody please help?
My next attmpt is as follows, but this is giving me a null reference exception:
var item = from items in doc.Descendants("SNS").Descendants("uniqueSystem").Descendants("system")
orderby items.Value
select items.Descendants("uniqueSystem");
foreach (var e in item)
string sys = e.Descendants("system").FirstOrDefault().Value;
string sysLabel = e.Descendants("system").Descendants("label").FirstOrDefault().Value;
string subsys = e.Descendants("subsystem").FirstOrDefault().Value;
string subsysLabel = e.Descendants("subsystem").Descendants("label").FirstOrDefault().Value;
string unit = e.Descendants("unit").FirstOrDefault().Value;
string unitLabel = e.Descendants("unit").Descendants("label").FirstOrDefault().Value;
buildSystemNodes(sys, sysLabel);
So the code I have written below will generate the tree view. The treeview class that I am using is in the namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls. The function is however O(n^3).
public void ProcessXml(string document)
var doc = XDocument.Parse(document, LoadOptions.None);
var uniqueSystemList = doc.Element("SNS").Elements();
var treeView = new TreeView();
string value = string.Empty;
string text = string.Empty;
foreach (var uniqueSystem in uniqueSystemList)
value = uniqueSystem.Element("label").Value.ToString();
text = uniqueSystem.Element("system").Value.ToString();
var uniqueSystemNode = new TreeNode(text, value);
var uniqueSubsystemList = uniqueSystem.Elements("uniqueSubsystem");
foreach (var uniqueSubSystem in uniqueSubsystemList)
value = uniqueSubSystem.Element("label").Value.ToString();
text = uniqueSubSystem.Element("subsystem").Value.ToString();
var uniqueSubSystemNode = new TreeNode(text, value);
var uniqueUnitList = uniqueSubSystem.Elements("uniqueUnit");
foreach (var uniqueUnit in uniqueUnitList)
value = uniqueUnit.Element("label").Value.ToString();
text = uniqueUnit.Element("unit").Value.ToString();
var uniqueUnitNode = new TreeNode(text, value);