I am creating one project in viewcontroller. I have image view, labels and scrollview
. But when I change the orientation its aligning in bad way?
Is there any way to align correctly? Also my scrollview is not working. I set the delegate as view in storyboard.my controll frame are(landscape mode).
label_book_author.frame=CGRectMake(350,76 , 500, 50);
label_book_price.frame=CGRectMake(350,135, 500, 50);
image_price_rupees.frame=CGRectMake(100, 330, 22, 16);
[buy_button setFrame:CGRectMake(13, 380, 119, 32)];
[preview_button setFrame:CGRectMake(150, 380, 113, 32)];
_thumbnailListView.frame=CGRectMake(15, 50, 950,350);
You might consider using autoresizingMask property of UIView to automatically resize and reposition views during rotation.
If the autoresizingMask cannot do what you want, you can customize the frame for each orientation by implementing:
- (void)willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration {
[UIView animateWithDuration:duration animations:^{
//set new frame properties
in your view controller.