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Print preview xulrunner

So I'm having this problem with opening print preview in xulrunner. I open print preview but i can't get the navigation toolbar. This is the code from PrintUtils.js where the toolbar is created:

var XUL_NS = "";
        printPreviewTB = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "toolbar");
        printPreviewTB.setAttribute("PrintPreview", true); = "print-preview-toolbar";
        printPreviewTB.className = "toolbar-primary";

And later it does this:

var navToolbox = this._callback.getNavToolb
    navToolbox.parentNode.insertBefore(printPreviewTB, browser);

I'm providing the navToolbox, that's the place where the toolbar is inserted but it doesn't show. As I said, print preview opens perfectly, pages formatted and everything but without toolbar.

Anyone have any idea why?


  • Ok, i found soulution, if anyone is interested.

    So when enternig printPreview you have to pass an object with 5 functions: getSourceBrowser, getPrintPreviewBrowser, getNavToolbox, onEnter and onExit.

    With getNavToolbox you pass the reference to toolbar (placeholder) where you want to place standard navigation toolbar (with print button, zoom, and others).

    I have done all that but you have to bind to that toolbar, like this : = url('chrome://global/content/printPreviewBindings.xml#printpreviewtoolbar')";

    I'm doing that in the onEnter function.

    But i also had problem with the enterPrintPreview function from PrintUtils.js. In this part of code:

    var printPreviewTB = document.getElementById("print-preview-toolbar");
            if (printPreviewTB) {            
              var browser = this._callback.getPrintPreviewBrowser();
              browser.collapsed = false;

    printPreviewTB.updateToolbar(); throws error.

    I fixed this by getting the reference to the toolbar that i passed in getNavToolbox function and then calling updateToolbar on him, like this:

    var printPreviewTB = document.getElementById("print-preview-toolbar");
            if (printPreviewTB) {
              var tmptoolbar = this._callback.getNavToolbox();            
              var browser = this._callback.getPrintPreviewBrowser();
              browser.collapsed = false;

    And now everything works fine.