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Regex URL rewriting for custom login page

I'm implementing a custom login page for a multitenant portal where each client gets a different login page styled according to their stored settings.
To achieve this I am using IIS 7.5 with the URL Rewriting module.
My idea is to capture requests for "" and rewrite them into "".

What I'm struggling with is the regex expression to match the URL and extract the "client1" bit out.

"" = ""
"" = ""
"" = ""
"" = ""

So the match should be found if the requested URL contains a single word after the first "/" and work whether there is a trailing "/" or not.

"" would be ignored by the rule.
"" would be ignored by the rule.
"" would be ignored by the rule.


  • Assuming:

    • That the parameter name is always client
    • and that you don't care about what is after /client1/ then you can use this simple pattern to capture that portion of the URL and then repeat it as a parameter


         <rule name="client1 rewrite">
          <match url="^([^/.]*)[/]*$" />
          <action type="rewrite" url="login.aspx?client={R:1}"/>


    This works because in all of the ignore list there is a slash in the "middle", but the slash is optional at ending of the "filter" list. So {R:1} will contain everything up to the first slash or end of url if there is no slash.