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Building and inorder traversal of tree: > 2 sons

I need to read in from an Access database a list of members. Each member was sponsored by another member. Each record contains the ID of their sponsor and their own ID. I now must be able to efficiently read in the membership roster and print it out indenting to show who was sponsored by who.

I feel the most efficient way to do this will be to build a tree and then do an inorder traversal.

My output should look something like this:

 Mary Jones
     Kim Smith
     Rena Brown
      Joan Brown
        Patsy Brown
     Howard Sharp
     Ken Johnson
 Peter Pan
 Davey Crocket

Order will be by ID number. Everything I find is for a Binary Tree with just a right and left son. As you see this will not work for me.

The preferred solution is Java but will appreciate anything I can get.



  • Here's what I came up with. It defines a function named ListSponsoredMembers and calls it recursively to build the list:

    import java.sql.*;
    public class ListSponsorship {
        static Connection conn;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            try {
                conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
                PreparedStatement ps1 = conn.prepareStatement(
                        "SELECT memberID, memberName FROM Members " +
                        "WHERE sponsorID IS NULL ORDER BY memberID");
                ResultSet rs = ps1.executeQuery();
                while ( {
                    ListSponsoredMembers(rs.getInt("memberID"), rs.getString("memberName"), 0);
            } catch(Exception e) {
        private static void ListSponsoredMembers(Integer memberID, String memberName, Integer recursionLevel) {
            for (Integer i = 0; i < recursionLevel; i++) {
                System.out.print("  ");
            try {
                PreparedStatement ps2 = conn.prepareStatement(
                        "SELECT memberID, memberName FROM Members " +
                        "WHERE sponsorID=? ORDER BY memberID");
                ps2.setInt(1, memberID);
                ResultSet rs = ps2.executeQuery();
                Integer newRecursionLevel = ++recursionLevel;
                while ( {
                    ListSponsoredMembers(rs.getInt("memberID"), rs.getString("memberName"), newRecursionLevel);
            } catch (SQLException e) {

    For a [Members] table that looks like this...

    memberID  memberName     sponsorID
    --------  -------------  ---------
           1  Mary Jones              
           2  Kim Smith              1
           3  Rena Brown             1
           4  Joan Brown             3
           5  Patsy Brown            4
           6  Howard Sharp           1
           7  Ken Johnson            1
           8  Peter Pan               
           9  Wendy                  8
          10  Hook                   8
          11  Davey Crocket           
 produces the following output:

    Mary Jones
      Kim Smith
      Rena Brown
        Joan Brown
          Patsy Brown
      Howard Sharp
      Ken Johnson
    Peter Pan
    Davey Crocket