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Laravel Seeding Does not Fill in Fields

I have a database seed file:

class ContactTableSeeder extends Seeder {
    public function run()
        $contacts = array(
                'first_name'        => 'Test',
                'last_name'         => 'Contact',
                'email'             => '[email protected]',
                'telephone_number'  => '0111345685',
                'address'           => 'Address',
                'city'              => 'City',
                'postcode'          => 'postcode',
                'position'          => 'Director',
                'account_id'        => 1

        foreach ($contacts as $contact) {

When I run php artisan migrate:refresh --seed it seeds the database and creates the relevant record in the contacts table, except that it does not fill the fields with any of the information in the seed array. I am using the exact same syntax for other tables and they work fine, and I've also checked each field thoroughly to make sure they match the database fields but no matter what I do it will not seed correctly.

Does anyone have any ideas?


  • Turns out the issue was to do with relationships in my models.

    For future visitors to this question: make sure to check all the functions in your models that define hasOne/hasMany/etc relationships. Read though the Eloquent docs for more.