My teacher assigned me to create a simple project: Create a form, which the user has to complete and when he presses the submit button, then the program should write all the information in different textfiles (For example, 1 textfile for their first name, onother for their last name etc.) (I know it sounds insane, but a project is a project). Anyway, I tried this:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); //On Click
F:Array[1..20]of textfile; //20 fields, 1 txt each one
Firstname,Fname:string; //Location,Field
Firstname:=ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0))+'User\Identity\FirstName.txt'; //Location
I searched on the Google about this error:
I/O error 102,
All I found is that Delphi does not assign the file, for some reasons. But I still don't get why, the code looks absolutely correct and logical to me, Perhaps what I tried:
F:Array[1..20]of Textfile is wrong, the only reason i tried it, is because i wanted to start writing f1,f2,...,f20
What do you think I should do?
The second argument of Rewrite
should not be a string. Does it even compile? There shouldn't be a second argument at all, IIRC. Do you have write access to the directory? Does the directory even exist? I don't think the RTL will create it for you. If this is indeed your problem, simply do
ForceDirectories(ExtractFilePath(FileName)); // FileName=Firstname
prior to calling Assign