I'm trying to read the value of a radio button in VBS and I am coming up with the following error:
Type mismatch: 'phase'
I am getting this error after I've put the radio buttons in a form in order to enable/disabled the checkbox depending on the first radio button.
Any help much appreciated!
MY CODE (not the whole code, just the faulty part. Sub RunScript is ran by a button):
Sub RunScript
Dim currentphase
If phase(0).Checked Then
currentphase = phase(0).Value
End If
If phase(1).Checked Then
currentphase = phase(1).Value
End If
If currentphase = "" Then
MsgBox "Please select the phase.",48,"Error"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
<form name="phaseform" action="" >
<input type="radio" name="phase" value="1" id="phase" onclick="checkbox(0)"/><label for="phase1">Phase 1</label>
<input disabled id=inorout type="checkbox" name="InorOUT" value="IN">LEGAL HOLD (<a href=javascript:RunLogFile()>?</a>) <br>
input type="radio" name="phase" value="2" id="phase" onclick="checkbox(1)" /><label for="phase2">Phase 2 (after 17 days)</label>
<script type="text/javascript">
function checkbox(val)
Solved by replacing phase(0).Checked with document.phaseform.phase(0).Checked
Another way: http://us.generation-nt.com/answer/how-can-vbscript-retrieve-value-selected-html-radio-butto-help-151913911.html
Dim i
for i = 0 to document.phaseform.phase.length - 1
if document.phaseform.phase(i).checked then
currentphase = document.phaseform.phase(i).value
end if