I'm a Java programmer with experience. I started working on a small Android project and i got soooo frustrated by how much Android has complicated programming just to be more flexible. Exactly, the problem i have is as follows: i have a menu item that i need to use in several menus inside mu app. Is there a way to create a menu item object (possible associate some function to it) and just pass it around so any activity can add it to it's own contex menu?
I have tried this: Created a "res.menu.mymenu.xml" file that contains a menu item with the same id as menu item from another "res.menu.mymenu2.xml" file. Then i have tried this:
public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {
super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, v, menuInfo);
MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
inflater.inflate(getMenuToInflate(), menu);
menu.add(0, R.id.mnhidefrom, 0, ((MenuItem)findViewById(R.id.mnhidefrom)).getTitle());
HideMenuAction.prepareAndGetHideMeMenuItem(menu, menuInfo); //creating an intent for "hide" menu item that will hold some data needed when user clicks the menu item.
But no luck... I got "null pointer exception" on "menu.add" line...
Is there a normal, object oriented way, to create a menu item that will know what it should do regardless of anything outside (like,say, menu it belongs to) and just pass it around like any other object and add it to any menu i like (just like i can do with Swing menu and JMenuItems)?
Ahmad has half the story. This will give you a base of menu options that are always available. The way to add menu options specific to each extending activity is to write a Fragment for it. The fragment will included in the activity layout, but you can make it take up no room or use it for padding. When a Fragment implements onCreateOptionsMenu, the choices it adds are merged with the ones that the Activity created.
Read everything to do with the options menu in this guide for more details: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/menus.html