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How to express [42 | x == y] with for comprehensions?

I have some pieces of code where I generate multiple lists (via for comprehensions) and then concatenate them. There are some one-element lists where this doesn't work though. In Haskell I would do something like

[42 | i == j]

which equivalently is

(do guard (i == j)
    return 42) :: [Int]


(guard (i == j) >>= \_ -> return 1) :: [Int]

In Scala I tried

for (if i == j) yield 42

but it says "illegal start of simple pattern".

In an answer to what Scala's yield is the author says 'Scala's "for comprehensions" are equivalent to Haskell's "do" notation'.

Also, on the Scala website it says "Comprehensions have the form for (enums) yield e, where enums refers to a semicolon-separated list of enumerators. An enumerator is either a generator which introduces new variables, or it is a filter". But clearly, this is not the case, as filters seem to be only allowed after generators.

At the moment I use

if (i == j) List(42) else Nil

I probably wouldn't prefer the for comprehension syntax anyway for this special case, and just use if-then-else instead. In Haskell, it looks quite nice though due to the similarity to the mathematical set-builder notation.

My question is not about style, but more about technical details: Why is there a difference in this specific case between Haskell and Scala? Why isn't for (if i == j) yield 42 working?


  • A closest equvalent of [42 | i == j] would probably be for (x <- List(42) if i == j) yield x.

    for (if i == j) yield 42 is illegal because a filter (if part) must follow some generator (x <- List(42) in my example).

    Scala language specification states (6.19 For Comprehensions and For Loops):


    Expr1       ::= ‘for’ (‘(’ Enumerators ‘)’ | ‘{’ Enumerators ‘}’)
                      {nl} [‘yield’] Expr
    Enumerators ::= Generator {semi Enumerator}
    Enumerator  ::= Generator
                    | Guard
                    | ‘val’ Pattern1 ‘=’ Expr
    Generator   ::= Pattern1 ‘<-’ Expr [Guard]
    Guard       ::= ‘if’ PostfixExpr

    As you can see, there's at least one generator required in Enumerators.


    By the way, I think if (i == j) List(42) else Nil is the right thing to do since it is not Haskell. It is clean and most likely faster because it constructs a list just once and doesn't call any additional methods.

    My example is translated by compiler into List(42) withFilter (x => i == j) map (x => x) (it actually may be optimized, I'm not sure) and can be abbreviated to List(42) filter (x => i == j). You can see, it constructs the initial list, than calls a method which creates a new list, and this method takes anonymous function, which in Scala is also an object (but probably it is also optimized). I think it is inefficient way to do such a simple job.