I have 3 projects in a solution like This:
This project have a multiple project Start up (WIN and GAME).
So, in my Library I have a facade to inject the dependencies between them using a singleton to provide an unified way to use a device plugged into a serial connector.
That's why I'm using a singleton... cause I can not have 2 connections to the same port.
In my other 2 libraries (WIN and GAME) I use the navigator through this facade. But the result was always 2 attempts to instantiate the serial port, so the second one always fails!..
Debugging it, adding a breakpoint in that line:
private static readonly LogicalFaccade _instance = new LogicalFaccade();
I requested 2 different calls... I thing one from each project (WIN and GAME).
How can I share an unique instance between projects ?
Is something wrong in my code?...
public class LogicalFaccade
private static readonly object thredLock = new Object();
private static readonly LogicalFaccade _instance = new LogicalFaccade();
public static LogicalFaccade Instance
return _instance;
private INavigator _navigator;
public INavigator Navigator
lock (thredLock)
if (_navigator == null)
_navigator = new SerialNavigator("COM4", 19200, 8);
return _navigator;
By the implementation you have, you will have a singleton object throw many threads of a single process(or EXE).
When having 3 start-up projects you will have 3 different processes, so using singleton pattern (in the way you have implemented) will not help you.
If your 3 projects(processes) will run on a single workstation (PC)
you can share the resources by using locking mechanism of Semaphore, a useful sample could be found here.
If they will be distributed on multiple PCs
you need to use inter process communications.
Some of major options in .Net are:
ASP.Net WebSevices
Socket programing