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Refreshing value in a bound ComboBoxCell

I'm developing a WinForm app in C# (VS 2008).

I have a DataGridView bound to a DataTable (Fields) and one additional column - ComboBoxColumn. It is called RefFieldName and it is binded the same fieldsdatatable. It fills the column (RefFieldId) in this DataGridView with ID of a field chosen in the ComboBox.

Everything works except of displaying the name of field when my RefFieldId cell is already set. I need to display a name of the field with ID from RefFieldId in my ComboBox cell.

How do I refresh my ComboBox in this way?


  • Okey!

    I've found the solution, but it is not as elegant as I expected.

    I've written a method that for each record checks all records in the table and looks for fit. Then it updates the Name:

    row.Cells["RefFieldName"].Value = refRow.Cells["FieldName"].Value;

    Then It is necessary to handle event DataError and create an empty method for that. If somebody knows better solution it would be great!

    Regards, Kuba.