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Range.address does not match range.cell[0] address

I am developing a VSTO plugin for Excel 2013 using the Office Development Tools for Visual Studio 2012 released in November 2012.

I have a reference to a worksheet and I am trying to access the value of the cells within a range. This should be a simple task, but for some reason the cell I am trying to access is actually one row higher than the range. I'm not sure what is causing this or if I am going about this the wrong way. The following simple example explains the behavior I see.

var dataEntrySheet = (Worksheet)Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Worksheets["Data Entry"];
var rangeAddress = dataEntrySheet.Range["A2"].Address
var cellAddress = dataEntrySheet.Range["A2"].Cells[0].Address

The results of the above are:

rangeAddress = "$A$2"

cellAddress = "$A$1"

Does anyone know why this is happening?


  • It is because of index in here:


    When accessing rows and columns in excel the indexes start with 1. So 0 actually goes one row up. If you would do:

    var cellAddress = dataEntrySheet.Range["A1"].Cells[0].Address

    you would actually get an exception for trying to access a non existing row. You can even use negative indexes to access rows that are further up.