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Django - Functions in models and views don't return correct Boolean value

I am creating a django app/website and am in trouble with some Boolean results I don't understand.

In my models, I have a Article class with 2 functions :

class Article(models.Model):
    #some vars
    basetime = models.IntegerField()
    duration = models.IntegerField()
    has_begun = models.BooleanField()

    def remainingTime(self):
        if(self.basetime + self.duration) - time.time() >= 0:
            return ((self.basetime + self.duration) - time.time())
            return -1

    def stillAvailable(self):
        if self.remainingTime() >= 0:
            return True
        return False

And in my views I have a function check :

def check(request,i):
        article = Article.objects.get(pk=i)
    except Article.DoesNotExist:
        return ccm(request)

    if (article.stillAvailable):
        return test(request,article.remainingTime)
        return quid(request)

When a page calls check, my browser displays the test page, and the argument article.remainingTime is -1. (wich is the correct value for what I want to do).

My problem is : if article.remainingTime = -1, then article.stillAvailable should return False, and so the check function should return quid(request). I don't see the reason why django/python interpreter evaluates article.stillAvailable True.

If anyone can help, that'd be very appreciated :P


  • You are using

    if (article.stillAvailable):

    As a attribute, rather than calling it as a method. As the attribute exists, it's interpreted as non false. You just need to add the brackets to call the method.