My first post here and Iam an absolute beginner. Searched the web for hours. I feel that I might have approached my problem the wrong way, but here goes.
I have a Datasource
that displays Loans (assets) in a Gridview
I would like to have a ddl to filter loans. Like: `If returneddate !=null the items in grid will be free for a new loan. Selecting ex. "Available assets" in ddl runs a where query on entitydatasource and retrieves the filtered data into grid.
My code: A bit of a mess, several queries that hopefully do the same. I prefer the first one LinqtoEntities
namespace Logsys.Pages
public partial class OversiktLån : Page
private LogsysEntities context = new LogsysEntities();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected EntityDataSource LaanLedig(object sender, EventArgs e)
var ledigQuery = from laan in context.Laans
where laan.Returnertdato != null
select laan;
foreach (var laan in ledigQuery)
protected void DDLlaan_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void LaanEntityDataSource_QueryCreated(object sender, QueryCreatedEventArgs e)
var laanQuery1 = e.Query.OfType<Laan>();
e.Query = from c in laanQuery1
where (c.Returnertdato != null)
select c;
How to get result of query "into" datasource and make ddl items trigger queries?
protected void ddlLaan_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Int32 ddlvalue = Convert.ToInt32(ddlLaan.SelectedValue);
if (ddlvalue == 1)
CLogsysEntities = new LogsysEntities();
var ledig =
from laan in CLogsysEntities.Laans
where laan.Returnertdato != null
select laan;
LaanGridView.DataSourceID = null;
LaanGridView.DataSource = ledig.ToList();