Suppose I have a string array @file_paths
which contains
@file_paths= ["C:\Lazy\FolderA\test.cpp", "C:\Lazy\FolderA\test2.cpp",
"C:\Lazy\FolderB\test.cpp", "C:\Lazy\FolderB\test2.cpp", ... etc]
I want to be able to find the array indices corresponding to the FolderA positions, FolderB, positions.. and so on.
i.e something like @file_paths.indices("FolderA")
would return @indices = [0,1]
and @file_paths.indices("FolderB")
would return @indices = [2,3]
.. etc
The trick is I'd be doing a contains function on @file_paths to get the corresponding indices. What would the subroutine look like?
Here is the answer:
you can use CPAN List::MoreUtils
use 5.012;
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::MoreUtils qw(indexes);
my @file_paths= qw(
C:\Lazy\FolderA\test.cpp C:\Lazy\FolderA\test2.cpp
C:\Lazy\FolderB\test.cpp C:\Lazy\FolderB\test2.cpp
my @ind = indexes {$_ =~ /FolderB/} @file_paths;
say "@ind";
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