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How to print an array at the WinMips64?

How can I print an array in Mips64? I've succeeded in printing the array in QtSPIM (MIPS32), with this code:

array:  .word   10 20 30 40 50

#load base address of array
la $t1,array    
#load number of elements
ld $t2,num


#load word
lw $a0, ($t1)

#print element
li $v0,1

#print space
la $a0, space
li $v0,4

addi $t1,4
#increase counter
addi $t0, 1

bne $t0,$t2,loop

li  $v0,10

I know that MIPS64 has daddi instead of addi but I am still missing something.


  • WinMips64 doesn't appear to use syscall for terminal output like SPIM / MARS, but rather implements it using memory-mapped I/O (see this example code).

    The CONTROL port is located at address 0x10000, and the DATA port at address 0x10008.

    Since you're printing integers you'll be interested mainly in these two output modes:

    ; Set CONTROL = 1, Set DATA to Unsigned Integer to be output
    ; Set CONTROL = 2, Set DATA to Signed Integer to be output

    For example:

    ori $a1,$0,0
    lui $a1,1       ; $a1 = 0x10000 (CONTROL)
    ori $a2,$a1,8   ; $a2 = 0x10008 (DATA)
    lwu $a0,($t1)   ; load an unsigned 32-bit value
    ori $v0,$0,1    ; 1 == print unsigned integer
    sd $a0, ($a2)   ; set value to print        
    sd $v0, ($a1)   ; ..and write the command to print it