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C# Override an abstract class' function with a different one with a "Class Type" return type

I am trying to create a class based on an abstract class and overwrite a function contained in the base class with another one that has a return type of "T" which is a type passed by the class.


public abstract class DayInfo
    public virtual void GetInfo()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

public class DayInfo<T> : DayInfo
    private T info;
    public DayInfo(T data)
        info = data;

    public T GetInfo() // << This
        return info;



DayInfo info = new DayInfo<String>("Blah");
String stuff = info.GetInfo();


DayInfo info = new DayInfo<int>(25);
int stuff = info.GetInfo();

Is there any way to achieve this?

Edit 1: I forgot to precise that I didn't used a class-passed type in the base class because I wanted to be able to use it as a generic type without having to define any type.


public SortedDictionary<int, DayInfo> Data = new SortedDictionary<int, DayInfo>();

Edit 2:

Also, the point of the virtual function in the base class is that it will make the child classes throw an exception if the GetInfo() function is accessed but isn't overridden.


  • This can be produced with NVI pattern:

    public abstract class DayInfo
      protected virtual void GetInfoCore() {
        throw new NotImplementedException();
      // or
      // protected abstract void GetInfoCore();
      public void GetInfo() {
    public class DayInfo<T> : DayInfo
      private T info;
      public DayInfo(T data) {
        info = data;
      public new T GetInfo() { // << This
        return info;
      protected override void GetInfoCore() {