How can I get some part of string that I need?
accountid=xxxxxx type=prem servertime=1256876305 addtime=1185548735 validuntil=1265012019 username=noob directstart=1 protectfiles=0 rsantihack=1 plustrafficmode=1 mirrors= jsconfig=1 lots=0 fpoints=6076 ppoints=149 curfiles=38 curspace=3100655714 bodkb=60000000 premkbleft=25000000 ppointrate=116
I want data after email= but up to
There are a couple of ways to do this. You could split the string on the space character then feed it into TStringList. You can then use TStringList's Value[String] property to get the value of a given name.
To do that, do a string replace of all spaces with commas:
newString := StringReplace(oldString, ' ', ',', [rfReplaceAll]);
Then import the result into a TStringList:
MyStringList : TStringList;
MyStringList := TStringList.Create;
MyStringList.CommaText := StringReplace(oldString, ' ', ',', [rfReplaceAll]);
Result := MyStringList.Values['email'];
This will give you the email value. You'll then need to split the string at the "@" symbol which is a relatively trivial exercise. Of course, this only works if spaces are genuinely a delimiter between fields.
Alternatively you could use a regular expression but Delphi doesn't support those natively (you'd need a regex library - see here)
*** Smasher noted (D2006+) Delimiter / Delimited text which would look something like this:
MyStringList.Delimiter := ' ';
MyStringList.DelimitedText := oldString;
Result := MyStringList.Values['email'];