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Unix Shell file transfer

I just started using Unix and I need to copy of few files from my class folder to my MAC.

Files are lab1.txt and lab1script, unix host is myname@stdlinux.myschool and directory is /home/1/name/c4251/bin

I need it to go to my desktop or somewhere I can find it at least, I've been using scp with the syntax:

scp lab1.txt myname@stdlinux.myschool:lab1.txt

I really can't figure out what is going on any help is greatly appreciated.


  • Go into your mac and open the terminal. The format is:

    scp from to

    So you are going to type:

    scp myname@stdlinux.myschool:~/home/1/name/c4251/bin/* .

    you are copying everything in the bin folder (by using the *) to your current folder (from which you are making this call) which is denoted by .