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Asana API: How do I remove a parent from a subtask with the new setParent endpoint

According to the Asana API documentation it should be possible to remove a parent from a subtask, so the subtask becomes a normal task:

Creating a subtask is the same as a creating an normal task, but instead of specifying a workspace you must specify a parent task. Each task can only have a single parent and you can use the setParent endpoint to add or remove a parent from an existing task.

However it's not clear to me how i can remove a parent with this endpoint. I've tried the following things as the body of the request


=> 400 bad request {"errors":[{"message":"parent: Not an ID: 0"}]}


=> 400 bad request {"errors":[{"message":"Could not parse request data, invalid JSON"}]}


=> 500 error (makes sense that you can't add a subtask as parent of itself, but shouldn't be a 500 error I think) {"errors":[{"message":"Server Error","phrase":"14 orange apes run smoothly"}]}


=> 400 bad request {"errors":[{"message":"parent: Not an ID: "}]}

Is this at all possible, and if so, how?


  • (I work at Asana.) Have you tried parent=null?