My following code is based on 1.Get current URL 2.Go through array and check if in url value = to value in array do this:
$on_this_link = "http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]";
foreach ($city_array as $sandwich) {
if (strpos($on_this_link, $sandwich) == true) {
$sandwich = trim($sandwich, '/');
$city = $sandwich;
if ($city == 'newyork') {
foreach ($category_array as $double_sandwich) {
if (strpos($on_this_link, $double_sandwich) == true) {
$double_sandwich = trim($double_sandwich, '/');
$category_is = $double_sandwich;
$nh = Loader::helper('navigation');
$pl = new PageList();
$pl->filterByAttribute('city', '%' . $city . '%', 'like');
$pagelist = $pl->get();
foreach ($pagelist as $p) {
echo '<li> <a href="' . $nh->getLinkToCollection($p) . '">' .htmlspecialchars($p->getCollectionName()) . '</a> </li>';
So It will show me only pages that have the same attribute with URL Each of this page has image attribute that I want to show. How can I pass this Image Attribute??
Check out the comments in the page list block's view template:
You can get image attributes by putting some code like this inside your foreach ($pagelist as $p)
$img = $p->getAttribute('example_image_attribute_handle');
if ($img) {
//you could output the original image at its full size like so:
echo '<img src="' . $img->getRelativePath() . '" width="' . $img->getAttribute('width') . '" height="' . $img->getAttribute('height') . '" alt="" />';
//or you could reduce the size of the original and output that like so:
$thumb = Loader::helper('image')->getThumbnail($img, 200, 100, false); //<--200 is width, 100 is height, and false is for cropping (change to true if you want to crop the image instead of resize proportionally)
echo '<img src="' . $thumb->src . '" width="' . $thumb->width . '" height="' . $thumb->height . '" alt="" />';