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Error in publishing in Tomcat 6 in eclipse Juno

I am getting the following error while starting the Tomcat 6 server. I have configured JDK as run time.

Publishing failed
Could not create directory \\<user directory>\Desktop\'E:\test\Tomcat\webapps\tmywebproj.

The path

\Desktop\'E:\test\Tomcat\webapps\tmywebproj is invalid path.

My tomcat installation is there in E: drive.

But the message corresponds to an invalid path.


My Tomcat installation directory: E:\test\Tomcat
My workspace: E:\test\workspace

Please suggest me how to correct this error.

I tried deleting and adding the server again, and restarting the eclipse. But none of them worked.


Deploy Path:  E:\test\Tomcat\webapps

Server Path:  E:\test\Tomcat

Tomcat Screen shot enter image description here


  • change your deploy path its incorrect.

    click on link(which is upper to deploy path)

    enter image description here


    set only "webapps" and try again.(Some times your application deploy on "wtpwebapps" folder in tomcat so first conform that and then select).