I have the following types for functions:
Quad = square · square
Square :: Integer -> Integer (So this function takes an integer as an input and outputs an integer)
The operator · is used in the definition of quad with type:
(·) :: (Integer -> Integer) -> (Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> Integer
I am unsure how the above is read as and the meaning behind it.
The double ::
suggests this is Haskell, but the general principles are the same across all ML inspired languages (most, and type theoretic convention, is to use a single :
The ::
symbol says that its left hand side has the type of its right hand side. So
1 :: Integer
The ->
constructs a function type.
timesTwo :: Integer -> Integer
Further, ->
is right associative.
plus :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
says the function plus
takes an integer and gives back a function which takes an integer and gives back an integer. This is equivalent to taking two integers, but is technically different (and in a sense, simpler). It is known as currying.
square :: Integer -> Integer
says that square takes an integer and returns an integer.
Often, in type theory and functional programming languages we make use of type variables, so
id :: forall a. a -> a
id x = x
says that for any type a
id is a function from a value of that type to another value of the same type. Your .
operator makes more sense when it is given a more general type using variables
(·) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
f . g x = f (g (x))
is the function composition function. It is a higher order function that takes two functions as arguments. More formally, for any types a
, b
, and c
, (.)
is a function from a function from b
to c
to a function from a
to b
to a function from a
to c
. The final function is just the composition of the two argument functions.
You have specialized .
to only work on Integers. But, the idea is the same. You take two functions from Integer -> Integer
and an Integer
, you apply the first function, and then apply the second function the the result.
or (+)
is just Haskell for "this is an infix operator but I want to talk about it right now in prefix form."
So, Quad
is just a function from Integer -> Integer
that calls square on its argument, and then calls square again on the result. It would be the same as
quad x = square (square x)
(haskell is case sensitive, and functions must start with lowercase letters)