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Python tkinter: Sorting the contents of an OptionMenu widget

Hello everyone and thanks in advance!

I've searched all around google and read almost every result i got and i still can't figure
it out, so please at least point me at some direction!
I read about pmw but i want to see if there is any way to do it with tkinter first.

I'm writing a simple enough program for DnD dice rolls and i have an OptionMenu
containing some of the dice someone needs to play. I also have an input field for entering
a die that is not included in my default options. My problem is that even though the new
option is added successfully, the options are not sorted.

I solved it at some point by destroying the OptionMenu when the new option was added,
sorting my List and then rebuilding the OptionMenu from scratch, but i was using the
place manager method at that time and i had to rewrite the program later because i had
some resolution problems. I'm using the pack manager now and destroying/rebuilding
is not an option unless i want to "re"pack all my widgets or make exclusive labels for them!

Here is a working sample of my code:

from tkinter import *

class DropdownExample(Frame):
    def __init__(self, master = None):
        Frame.__init__(self, master)
        self.pack(fill = 'both', expand = True)

        # Add Option Button
        self.addOptBtn = Button(self, text = "Add Option", command = self.add_option)

        # Option Input Field
        self.newOpt = IntVar()
        self.newOpt.set("Type a number")

        self.optIn = Entry(self)
        self.optIn['textvariable'] = self.newOpt

        # Dropdown Menu
        self.myOptions = [0, 1, 2]

        self.selOpt = IntVar()

        self.optMenu = OptionMenu(self, self.selOpt, *self.myOptions)

        # Positioning
        self.addOptBtn.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5)
        self.optIn.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5)
        self.optMenu.pack(side = 'left', padx = 5)

    def add_option(self):
        self.numToAdd = ""
        self.counter = 0

            self.numToAdd = int(self.optIn.get())                                           # Integer validation

            while self.counter < len(self.myOptions):                                       # Comparison loop & error handling
                if self.numToAdd == self.myOptions[self.counter]:
                    print("Already exists!")                    

                elif self.numToAdd < 0:
                    print("No less than 0!")

                elif self.counter < len(self.myOptions)-1:
                    self.counter += 1

                else:                                                                       # Dropdown menu option addition

                    self.optMenu['menu'].add_command(label = self.numToAdd)


                    print("Added succesfully!")

                    self.counter += 2

        except ValueError:
            print("Type ONLY numbers!")

def runme():
    app = DropdownExample()
    app.master.title("Dropdown Menu Example")
    app.master.resizable(0, 0)


I am using Python 3.3 on Windows 7


  • There is a set of insert_something() methods in Menu. You must keep your list sorted with each insert (bisect module).

    from tkinter import *
    import bisect
                    else:                                                                       # Dropdown menu option addition
                        index = bisect.bisect(self.myOptions, self.numToAdd)
                        self.myOptions.insert(index, self.numToAdd)
                        self.optMenu['menu'].insert_command(index, label=self.numToAdd)
                        print("Added succesfully!", self.myOptions)
                        self.counter += 2