Search code examples
vb.netlistviewlistviewitemoverload-resolutionoption-strict Option Strict, listview.items.add(itm.clone) Overload

In (2012) I have the following code:

For Each itm As ListViewItem In Me.lvCustomers
    If CDbl(itm.Tag) <> customer.Id Then Me.lvMerges.Items.Add(itm.Clone)

With Option Strict On I get the following error:

Error 2 Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Add' can be called with these arguments: 'Public Overridable Function Add(value As System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem) As System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem': Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Object' to 'System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem'. 'Public Overridable Function Add(text As String) As System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem': Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Object' to 'String'.

I can do an lvMerges.Items.Add(itm) , which does not throw an error, but then I have to remove it from the lvCustomers listview, which I do not want to do.

Can someone explain how I can make this work properly without turning off Option Strict?

Goal is to copy ListviewItem with all SubItems.


  • The error you've received there tells you that with Option Strict On on you can't do implicit casting from Object to String or ListViewItem. So you need to do explicit casting instead.

    For Each itm As ListViewItem In Me.lvCustomers
        If CDbl(DirectCast(itm.Tag, String) <> customer.Id Then Me.lvMerges.Items.Add(DirectCast(itm.Clone, ListViewItem))

    Does that work?