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How can I retrieve and parse just the html returned from an URL?

I want to be able to programmatically (without it displaying in the browser) send an URL such as" and get back in a string (or some more appropriate data type?) the html results of the page (the interesting part, anyway) so that I could parse that and reformat selected parts of it as matched text and images (which link to the appropriate page). I want to do this with Razor/Web Pages, if that makes any difference.

IOW, this is sort of a screen-scraping question, but really a "behind-the-screen" scraping.

Is it possible? How? A 100 point post-answer-bonus will be awarded to the (or the most helpful) answer.


  • Use the WebClient class (or .Net 4.5's better HttpClient class) to download the HTML, then use HTML AgilityPack to parse it