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Google Maps Api StreetView PanoramaOptions Point of View Setting from Lon Lat

I've got a StreetViewPanorama identified by my Lat Lng coordinates. My Lat and Lng coordinates are not exactly on the road from which Google car took the picture, but they are in the center of the building that I want to see in StreetView's picture. So I have 2 couple of coordinates, and I think that it's possible to calculate POV degrees to obtain a correct shot of the building. What I need is how to get the Lon Lat of the point in which is automatically placed "the man", so that I can calculate the correct POV degrees.


  • Problem solved:

    // d is the position of the house or fisical element where I want to point the view
    var d = {lat: 43.538524840485, lng: 10.322718769311};
    var whereToLookLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(parseFloat(, parseFloat(d.lng));
    var panorama = new google.maps.StreetViewPanorama(
    var service = new google.maps.StreetViewService;
    // With this function I get the panorama, if available, next the house or fisical element where I want to point the view 
    service.getPanoramaByLocation(panorama.getPosition(), 50, 
        function(panoData) {
            if (panoData != null) {
                // MamLatLng is the position of the point of view
                var ManLatLng = panoData.location.latLng;
                // Now I calculate the heading to point the view in the direction of whereToLookLatLng
                var heading = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeHeading(ManLatLng, whereToLookLatLng);
                var pov = panorama.getPov();
                pov.heading = heading;