I have a form where a user can elect to create more input areas (to provide more information). I have a link the user will click on and then the extra form inputs will be created. I'd like to use the rails form helpers so that I don't have to write the html myself. I've tried inserting the form helpers directly into coffeescript and saving the outputted html to a data tag on the link, but I can't get the coffeescript to execute the ruby code and I'm having escaping issues with the data attribute.
Here's the form:
= simple_form_for([@site, @zone]) do |f|
= f.error_notification
= f.input :site_id
= label_tag "X"
= text_field_tag 'x_coords[]'
= label_tag "Y"
= text_field_tag 'y_coords[]'
= label_tag "X"
= text_field_tag 'x_coords[]'
= label_tag "Y"
= text_field_tag 'y_coords[]'
= label_tag "X"
= text_field_tag 'x_coords[]'
= label_tag "Y"
= text_field_tag 'y_coords[]'
= link_to "Add Point", "#", id: "add_point", data: { fields: label_tags }
= f.button :submit
When a user clicks the "Add Point" link, I'd like to add another block of:
= label_tag "X"
= text_field_tag 'x_coords[]'
= label_tag "Y"
= text_field_tag 'y_coords[]'
is in application_helper.rb
def label_tags
label_tag "Z"
The problem is the output for the "Add Point" link is:
<a href="#" data-fields="<label for=" z"="">Z" id="add_point">Add Point</a>
and the quotation marks are causing the link to come out with the text: "Z" id="add_point">Add Point"
I got the data attribute idea from this screencast
Simple solution for me was to replace the double quotes in my generated HTML with single quotes. In code:
= link_to "Add Point", "#", id: "add_point", data: { fields: label_tags.gsub("\"", "'") }
Also, had to use capture
and concat
in the helper method:
module ApplicationHelper
def label_tags
capture do
concat label_tag "X"
concat text_field_tag 'x_coords[]'
concat label_tag "Y"
concat text_field_tag 'y_coords[]'