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JSF lifecycle runs 7 times on page refresh

My web page has a primefaces datatable with a simple backing bean. I use a phase listener to log what is happening behind the scenes. Lo and behold, this simple page runs the JSF lifecyle no fewer than 7 times on every page refresh!!! What is going on?

<p:dataTable id="readers" var="reader" value="#{readerManagerBean.texts}" 
   rowKey="#{}" selection="#{readerBean.selectedText}" 

  <p:column headerText="Reader Name" width="820">
      <h:outputText value="#{}" />


And here is the backing bean:

public class ReaderManagerBean {

private ArrayList<Text> texts;
private Text selectedText;
private TextFacade t;

public Text getSelectedText() {
    return selectedText;

public void setSelectedText(Text selectedText) {
    this.selectedText = selectedText;

public ArrayList<Text> getTexts() {
    ArrayList<Text> texts = new ArrayList<Text>();
    return texts;

public void setTexts(ArrayList<Text> texts) {
    this.texts = texts;



  • Oh... My... God...

    By trial and error I've found out what's going on.

    For the sake of brevity, I did not include all the code in my facelets page. Believe it or not, I get an entire JSF lifecycle running for every css page I link and every image I load. And it's all taking place in the head tag:

        <link href="../resources/css/default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
        <link href="../resources/css/cssLayout.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../resources/javascript/main.js"/>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var preLoad = new Array();
            preLoad[0] = new Image();
            preLoad[0].src = '../resources/img/play_normal.png';
            preLoad[1] = new Image();
            preLoad[1].src = '../resources/img/play_hover.png';
            preLoad[2] = new Image();
            preLoad[2].src = '../resources/img/play_pressed.png';
            function switchImage(whichImage, imageNumber){
                document.images[whichImage].src = preLoad[imageNumber].src;

    So my revised question is this: how can I prevent these trivial lines of code executing the whole lifecycle?